Booking your trip!

Booking information

Fill all the information for KOMAN - FIERZE .


Do you have a car/vehicle or do you need the pickup service?

Remove Pickup

If it is a rental car and you dont know the plate, model and the brand, please write "Rental Car".


How to calculate the surface of your vehicle?

car example to calc mq

If your vehicle has a width of 1.5 m and length of 3.2 m, then the total surface of the vehicle is :
1.5 x 3.2 = 4.8 m2
and the transport of this vehicle with the ferry will cost 4.8m2 x 6 Euro/m2 = 28.8 Euro

Pickup service

Komani Lake Ferry Berisha offers pickup service from destinations below.
So, if you are in one of these destinations, you will have a minivan scheduled for transportation. The service can be used daily with prior reservation. For more details on all possible destinations and pickup location, click on this link.

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